
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:乖乖90后 更新时间:2014-06-27
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摘 要:《孽海花》作为晚清四大谴责小说之一,展现了同治中期到光绪后期这一近代中国特定历史阶段政治和文化的变化。本论文借助《孽海花》所描写的情节主线,介绍“士”阶层的衍变,分析晚清时期知识分子的社会地位和精神状态,探讨晚清知识分子群体的悲剧性。晚清知识分子处于一个传统与现代交替的矛盾时代,知识分子也面临守旧和改变的艰难选择。本论文根据作品《孽海花》分析了晚清不同类型的知识分子夹缝求生,悲剧性出现的社会原因和知识分子自身的原因,分析现代知识分子所面临的困境。论文主要分析了自我定位不准确、创新意识欠缺和独立人格不健全三个方面的困境。探讨在面临这些困境的时候,当下知识分子应该如何去反思,如何走出困境。

关键词:晚清社会 知识分子 社会地位 精神状态 悲剧性


ABSTRACT:" Nie Hai Hua " as a condemnation of the four novels of the late Qing. Tongzhi Guangxu show mid to late this specific historical stage of modern Chinese political and cultural changes. In this paper the idea of " Nie Hai Hua " by describing the plotline, Introduction "Intellectuals" Evolution of, Analysis of the late Qing Dynasty intellectuals' social status and mental state, and discussion groups tragic Intellectuals. Intellectuals are in a contradiction between tradition and modern times alternately, Conservative intellectuals also facing tough choices and changes. This thesis is based on work " Nie Hai Hua " analyzes the different types of the late Qing intellectuals Scissors, tragic emerging social causes and intellectuals for their own reasons, analysis of modern intellectual difficulties faced. Thesis mainly analyzes the self-positioning is not accurate, the lack of awareness of innovation and independent personality unsound three aspects of difficulties. Discussion in the face of these difficulties, when intellectuals moment to reflect on how and how out of the woods.

Keywords:The late Qing Dynasty;Intellectual;Social status;Mental state;Tragic

上传会员 乖乖90后 对本文的描述:中国知识分子的道路举步维艰,结合当下,现代知识分子身上还残留一些对于自身发展的不利因素。如何找到这些劣势,发挥优势,让知识分子群体适应时代的发展,做出突出贡献,就......
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