
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-28
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关键词:异同; 原因; 规律; 原则


Abstract:“Curse of the Golden Flower” and “Thunderstorm” are similar in contents, but are different in styles. In characters, Fanyi and the Queen both have the courage to resist while the latter is more fierce and active; Zhou Puyuan and the King are hypocritical and cruel while the King is more unfeeling; Zhou Ping and Prince are weak; Shi Ping and she's daughter are more kindhearted and simple than Jiang and she's daughter. In the form of expression, “Thunderstorm” uses more dialogues to express the character, while the “Curse of the Golden Flower” is through the screen to show. In the subject, “Thunderstorm” performs the inner pain and the relationship between man and moral, while the “Curse of the Golden Flower” investigates more “rules” or “power”, focusing on the relationship between man and power, politics. So the adaptation from “Thunderstorm” to “Curse of the Golden Flower” is also the gradual transformation from the tragedy of fate into the tragedy of power and desire.

Key Words: similarities and differences; reasons; regular pattern; principle

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:将《雷雨》和《满城尽带黄金甲》的文本进行比较,深究其主旨的异同;也有对其表现形式的探讨,聚焦点于其画面、意象、色彩、音效等听觉和视觉之上。实际上,话剧和电影作为两......
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