
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-28
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[Abstract] Mu Shiying is the most eminent one of the New sensation school.He writes the opposition and conflict of the bipolar world, which reflects the duality in his character.This thesis, on the basis of his works, studies his personal features, his family and life experiences so as to experience the inner world of Mu Shiying.And the Shanghai urban culture background provides Mu Shiying with an imaginary space of his creation. His encounter of the amalgamation of ice and fire also gets him to know the magnificence and dirtiness of the city. Therefore, his description of the urban life is authentic and apt. The dual unique artistic style and aesthetic idea also add one gorgeous draw for the New sensation school novels, which owns him a space for himself in the palace of the contemporary litereture.

[Key words] Mu Shiying; Urban literature; duality

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:从《公墓》的创作开始,穆时英开始把目光锁定在都市中形形色色的人物身上。通过他敏锐的观察力,用独特的艺术表现手法,把都市生活和人们道德上、精神上的畸形改变展现在我们......
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