
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-28
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[关键词] 张承志; 苦难追寻; 清洁精神; 影响及意义


[Abstract] Zhang Chengzhi is a special writer, his clean spirit has profound influence in the literary world. Zhang Chengzhi seeks pure land of spirit in the deserted journey, and immerses himself in the suffering, so the clean spirit dug by him is dignified and profound. In the process of pursuing clean spirit, Zhang Chengzhi regards his mother as the light to guide and give strength to him , sees China’s far north-west as his habitat, thinks Jahriyya spirit as his final destination of pursuing clean spirit . It is a gradual process that makes his works have the sublimation from describing suffering to experience the suffering, which makes clean spirit deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

[Key words] Zhang Chengzhi; Pursuit of Suffering; Clean Spirit; influence and significance. 

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:张承志明确了什么是清洁精神并将之展现给读者。张承志的视角是独特的,他没有在青山绿水中寻找清洁精神,而是背道而驰,深入大西北这个缺水缺食的地方挖掘人们内心深处的精神......
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