
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-28
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关键词:人性美; 人物形象; 人性世界


[Abstract]This article embarks from the "border town", embodied within all kinds of beauty, and to carefully study the text of the various characters. This article tries from shen congwen draw the outline of the human world, the relationship between character and characters to reflect the beauty of his creation. Main characters are cui cui, nuo send, the old boatman, tianbao, ship always gone well. Articles will revolve around a few characters and their story for detailed research.In this paper, through the study of "border town" reality and let people better understand the work.

[Key words]:beauty ; Character image; The word of humanity

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:《边城》是沈从文创作的“湘西系列小说”中最具有代表性最具特色的作品。奠定这部小说基调的是人情和人性,在沈从文看来,人与人之间应该充满和谐、善良和爱心。小说的环境也......
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