
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-08
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[关键词]蒲松龄 ;女性形象 ;理想; 婚恋; 亲情; 功名; 友情


Abstract:the creation of the literature is often used to meet their own psychological needs.Pu SongLing’s novel is called LiaoZhai,and it is not a legend of ghost,but by the traditional legend supernatural forms and techniques of expression,to show his long-term depression and dissatisfied.Then through the illusion of beauty to express his ideality in marriage、affection、career、friendship and so on.

Keywords:PuSongLing;   Female  Characters;  Ideality;  Marriage;  Affection;  Career;            Freindship

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:蒲松龄在《聊斋自志》中写到:“遄飞逸兴,狂固难辞;永托旷怀,痴且不讳。……集腋为裘,妄续幽冥之录;浮白载笔,仅成孤愤之书;寄托如此,亦足悲矣!……知我者,其在青林黑......
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