
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-08
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关键词:郁达夫 感伤 抒情 成因


Abstract:This paper focuses on the lyrical style of Yu Dafu sentimental novels to explore , and strive to objective analysis of the reasons for the formation of this style . Yu Dafu fiction role -color and description approaches to explore the novel unfolded sentimental lyrical style . Through the suffering of Yu Dafu in life era , personal misfortunes , melancholy temperament itself , plus the sad social thought , as well as aesthetics , and many other factors , caused his creation Sentimentality .

Keywords: Yu Dafu; sentimental; lyrical; causes

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:作为五四时期汲取中西文学、文化营养成长起来的作家,感伤的抒情背后,是否有外来因素的影响、这种感伤的本质是什么、这种抒情倾向与作家的出生、性格、喜好的关系如何等,将......
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