
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-08
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关键词:马克思;艺术交往; 理论; 功能; 价值


Abstract: Since the date of the advent of art, is the means of people interact with each other. Art as a means of communication, with from psychological sustain scattered people, make them close and composition group effect, it is the affinity function. Art is the function, the reason is that it is the people's essential strength of objectification, artwork on a burger the creation subject mark, and can be used as the creation subject characterization of content. Characterization of the meaning of things, help to reveal the mystery of art style, and insight in social interactions how people know each other through art, attract one another, art and how to arouse people's group consciousness, motivate people struggle for a common goal.

Key word: Marx  communication  theory   function   value

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:文学活动就是由世界、作家、作品、读者所构成的一个交往结构。近20余年来,中国现代文学理论立足于中国,同时向外国学习,从外国引进并消化了各种各样的理论,使我们的文学理论......
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