
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:皇族girl 更新时间:2014-09-01
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关键词: 汪曾祺     《受戒》     人性


Abstract:Content abstract: read the novel "WangZengQi", found his text has much saturated with" humanity "beauty. The so-called human nature, it is to point to in certain social system and certain historical condition of the formation of human nature. It is the unity of purpose and wisdom, is to use own wisdom to realize own objective process. In the state advocates the construction of a harmonious society WangZengQi fiction today, mining, humanity has very important significance. 

Key words: WangZengQi "ordained" human nature

上传会员 皇族girl 对本文的描述:提起汪曾祺都有了一些共识,评论界认为他是继承了废名的古朴,沈从文的清秀,有着欧美文学的悲凉况味。说到汪曾祺四十年代的作品,如:《小学校的钟声》《复仇》等明显受到了......
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