
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:皇族girl 更新时间:2014-09-03
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关键词:知识 知遇 词义辨析


Abstract: “Zhi shi” and “zhi yu” have simple meanings and frequent use in modern Chinese. However, they are two words formed from the same morpheme and have similar structures. Both of them have been in use since the beginning of ancient Chinese. As a consequence, the comparative research on the meanings of these two words functions as a typical case for the study of words’ meanings. By tracing down the origins of these two words and exploring the development of their meanings, the author compares and analyzes their main senses in the three major periods in the development of Chinese. Moreover, the author endeavors to compare the differences of the two words in regards of rhetoric, semantics, pragmatics and contexts by means of some cognitive linguistic and metaphor theories. This thesis concludes with some comments on the highlights and also weak points of this research. 

Keywords: zhi shi  zhi yu  Meaning differentiate

上传会员 皇族girl 对本文的描述:通过这些分析不难发现,无论是对于上古时期还是对于中古时期的词汇研究而言,词汇最原始的出处是很受这些词汇研究学者的重视的,而且在词汇研究过程中极为重要,因为不明“源......
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