
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:皇族girl 更新时间:2014-09-03
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Abstract:The face of booming domestic film case, exposing more and more problems, such as the box office does not cheer the phenomenon, its essence is the commercial hype and the film itself, meaning the gap between the professional school in the movie called "commercial" and "artistic" contradiction, this paper With the development of film history, of foreign films in the "artistic" and "commercial" on the running of the process, explain the combination of the two is inevitable. Today, the film exposes the problem of domestic development is an inevitable stage in the film, the key is both the director and the audience tips on how to deal with the concept of identity and acceptance of a process. Feng Xiaogang and concrete evidence of his work a "commercial" and "art" can have both. The success stories to further explain the development of Chinese film.

Key words: Artistic, commercial, conflict, integration, Feng Xiaogang, embedded advertising, review.

上传会员 皇族girl 对本文的描述:正如题目所论,冯小刚的“机智”便在于将电影元素中的艺术性和商业性成功地融合。谈到电影艺术性和商业性的兼容问题,不得不提及在西方电影发展史中,艺术电影(探索性较强的......
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