
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:重庆小伙 更新时间:2014-09-11
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关键词    《古诗十九首》,生命意识,汉末士人


ABSTRACT:Lower in the late Eastern Han dynasty scholars ' composition of the 19 ancient poems are an outstanding set of lyrics wuyanshi. In an era of political darkness, war, natural disasters and complicated background, Han dynasty and scholar in various life images as vectors, lamenting the life is too short, the elusive life, express their love tight, no serious study of hate, life downs suffered, showing a unique sense of life, and had a profound influence on later literature.

Key words:  Of the 19 ancient poems, Life, Han dynasty scholars

上传会员 重庆小伙 对本文的描述:作有拟古诗十四首,但陆机晚于王粲不到一百年称此组诗为“古诗”。可知《古诗十九首》作于王粲之前,即建安之前。因此,笔者认为《古诗十九首》是建安之前汉末文人所作......
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