
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:coffee45 更新时间:2014-11-05
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摘  要:杜审言是初唐走向盛唐时期的一位重要诗人。他的诗虽数量不多,从内容上讲,有做宫廷御用文人时所做的应制诗,有行走在祖国各地时所写山水诗,也有送别诗,每类诗歌都有其鲜明的特色;从形式上讲,他的诗有五律、七律、七绝等,其中尤以律诗最有特色,在当时是集大成者,而且对后来律诗的创作产生了重要影响。

关键词:杜审言 应制诗 山水诗 律诗 杜甫


Abstract:Dushenyan was an important poet from early stage to glorious age of tang dynasty.Alough his poetry is not much in quantity.Tell from thecontent,some of the imperially assigned poems crested when he was a palace scholar,some of scenic poems created when he tour around the motherland,and also some of Farewell poems.Each type of poetry has distinct charateristics ,when come up of form.His poem include five patterns,seven patterns and four-line poem with seven characters to a line and eight lines are the most unigue.He is zhe master that field .At the same time he is important imfluenced the later development of eight lines.

Keyword:dushenyan  imperially assigned poem  scenic poem  eight lines  dufu




上传会员 coffee45 对本文的描述:其次在杜审言的应制诗中,他多以“尧舜”来赞扬皇帝的丰功伟绩。在《蓬莱三殿侍宴奉敕·咏终南山》的尾句“小臣持献君,长此戴尧天”,“尧天”在《论语泰伯》中:“唯天为大,......
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