
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:mi胖胖 更新时间:2014-11-18
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Abstract: Existential sentences are special sentences in Modern Chinese in terms of syntax and semantics. It is a combination of existence sentences and fugitive sentences. When acquiring existential sentences, foreign students often make some errors, such as omission, redundancy, substitution of words, or confusion and disorder of sentences. The main reasons of these errors are as follows: negative transfer of mother tongue, the generalization of target language rules,and hardly mastery of semantic structure characteristics. Analyzing these errors not only promotes our external Chinese education, but also facilitates the learning of existential sentences of foreign students. In addition, it can make us better understand our mother tongue.  

Key words: Existential sentences; Analyze errors; Teaching suggestions

上传会员 mi胖胖 对本文的描述:本文首先在前人研究的基础上阐释存现句的性质、范围和类型,然后分析语料库中存现句的偏误用例,并对偏误的原因作出解释,最后通过偏误分析提出一些相对应的教学建议,以帮助......
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