
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:阿里夫人 更新时间:2014-12-10
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摘 要:《儒林外史》是我国古代唯一一部描写儒生生活及精神面貌的讽刺小说,通过文中几个典型优贡士子来分析他们的形象和人生命运的悲剧,分析作者主要是从哪几个角度来描写他们的,从而进一步探讨科举制度和读书人命运之间的关系。此外,小说还反应出作者对优贡士子命运的深切关注,他站在历史最高度,用犀利的笔锋指向落后封闭的八股科举制度,也从优贡士子得势后所暴露出来的丑陋嘴脸进行深刻的批判,这对我们现代教育的改革具有重大的现实意义。



ABSTRACT:Summary of "The Scholars" is the only one of the ancient scholars satirical novels depict life and spirit through the text Gongshi several typical gifted child to analyze the tragic fate of their image and life,the analysis is mainly where the author several angles to describe them,so as to further explore the relationship between the fate of the imperial examination system and reading between. Meanwhile,pour the author of the excellent Gongshi deeply concerned about the fate of the child,his historical perspective,with a sharp point stroke behind closed stereotyped examination system,the child got the upper hand after Gongshi also favorably exposed the ugly face of the profound criticism,which is of great practical significance for us modern education reform.

Key words:Scholars, Gifted Gongshi child, Examination system,Modern education

上传会员 阿里夫人 对本文的描述:从这四个时期的研究变化不难看出,学者们对《儒林外史》的人物形象研究是层层递进的,成果也是喜人的。但美中不足的是,从“优贡士子”这一类型人物形象角度去研究的屈指可数......
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