
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:阿里夫人 更新时间:2014-12-10
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摘 要:镜子有着绵延久远的历史。在诗歌中有众多关于镜子意象的诗。借助互文理论,我们可以看见相关诗歌中镜意象反映出的人类的社会生存状态、作者的表达与读者的阅读以及相关诗歌文本彼此之间的承继关系。本文以唐亚平《镜子与花朵》、翟永明《女人》为例,试图透过女诗人的镜子意象,看见她们投射出的自恋、焦躁、疏离与融合纷繁复杂的关系,我们观看着千百年间诗人们在镜花水月的意象中反映出来的白日梦倾向。

关键词  注视,镜子,身体,他者,反省


ABSTRACT:Mirror has a long history stretching.There are many poems about mirror images in poetry.With intertextuality theory, we can see the mirror image of the relevant poems reflect the state of human social existence, inherited the relationships between authors and readers to express poetry reading and related texts.In this paper, Taking Tang Yaping mirror and flowers, Zhai Yongming woman for example, through the mirror image of poet's attempt saw the complicated relationships they projected narcissism, anxiety, alienation and integration.We watched thousands of years between poets reflected in the elusive imagery in daydreaming tendency.

Key words:Gaze  Mirror  Body  Other  Introspection

上传会员 阿里夫人 对本文的描述:本文运用阅读策略采用互文性理论,摆脱地域、时间对于诗歌文本的限制,让不同地域、不同时代的诗歌文本产生联系进行对话。通过列举张枣《镜中》、唐亚平《镜子与花朵》、翟永......
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