
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:我,橙子 更新时间:2015-10-19
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Abstract:Wangshuo’s way of writing breaks the formatting and has a palace in Chinese contemporary literary world with skill and ease. He has created a new way of expression for literature and even has changed the Chinese people’s way of speaking. He writes novels with gifted creativity and sunshine-through aggressivity in which pockets of characters with clear identities who are drifting on the fringes of society have given great surprise to readers. In addition, he adopts a special way of irony to mock the intellectuals, to violate the holiness, to overturn the tradition, to revolt reason and to despise the authority. Such subversiveness can be more than that of vanguard novels. Wangshuo’s novels are expressions of himself, through which he reveals himself to the full. His ironic consciousness in his novels aims to give an unique way of reflection to real life and to complete self mind-cure.

Key words: Wangshuo; novel; ironic consciousness; topics; slang

上传会员 我,橙子 对本文的描述:“反讽”一词原为希腊戏剧中的一种角色类型,即假装无知者,在自以为高明的对手面前说傻话,但最后这些傻话证明是真理,从而使“高明”的对手大出洋相。所以,反讽的基本性质......
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