
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:我,橙子 更新时间:2015-10-19
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关键词:战争 武士 农民 人性


Abstract:History is worth bearing in mind.Look at history can deepen our self-awareness, not forgetting the tragic predecessors, not forgetting the human despicable,and clear their own way more. Akira Kurosawa film "Seven Samurai" tragic fate of the Japanese warrior class profound understanding of social introspection and thought-contracting, etc. are worthy of our study. 

This thesis eyeing "Seven Samurai" is going to understand the state of Japan's Warring States era survive,the warrior class and the peasantry the typical character of the film by depicting the war, to observe the pain of war by the people of the bottom of society, to feel it difficult to survive, spiritual twist; through the analysis of the ideological content of the film, criticizing the war, and to give farmers and warriors sympathetic understanding, to be corrected for the development of Japan's militaristic spirit.

Keywords:War warrior farmers humanity

上传会员 我,橙子 对本文的描述:黑泽明是20世纪日本著名导演,他承载的赞誉已经太多,不再赘述。“1952年12月,黑泽明抱着拍一部展现日本战国时代最真实一面的写实史诗电影的想法,与桥本忍,小国英雄于热海市静......
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