
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-08
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ABSTRACT:Yu Hua as a contemporary literary pioneer literary representative, in his early novels which is mainly to the " death" of novels, his pioneer novel is full of blood, violence and death cold narration, showing the writer on the suffering of life 's deep concern and the realistic contradiction, shows a bizarre bizarre" the absurd world". This article is mainly from the early days of Yu Hua's "death " series of novels including several articles on depictions of bloody violence died in the novel, the bloody violence and death writing strategy research. In the end of Yu Hua and contemporary novelists in the writing of bloody violence, death is different and different reason brief analysis.

Key word: Yu Hua; zero emotion; violence; death; strategy


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:本文主要从余华早期的“死亡系列”作品中选取几篇关于描写血腥、暴力和死亡的小说,对其中血腥、死亡和暴力的书写和策略进行研究;并对余华血腥、暴力和死亡书写的影响因素作......
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