
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-09
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摘要:避讳是中国的一种历史文化现象,也是我国古代典籍中常见的一种文化现象,源远流长。避讳有广义狭义之分。广义的避讳包括敬讳、忌讳与憎讳三种    情况,狭义的避讳指的仅仅是敬讳。敬讳主要指山于封建礼制、礼俗的规定、约束或出于敬重的原因而不敢直接称尊长名字,以至讳用与尊长名同或音同的字。民国以前,几乎每朝都有避讳,而避讳的程度又各存差异,相较而言以唐宋最为严格。本文试图通过介绍中国避讳的历史来揭示历代避讳的方式和种类,归纳利用避讳进行史考的各种途径,对中国早期的避讳情况做一定的清理,对早期避讳的规则和特点也进行一定的总结。



Abstract:Taboo is a kind of cultural phenomena in China, which has a long history. In archaic times of China, taboo is a familiar phenomenon that both existed in people’s every day life and in the literatures. There are differences between special taboos and general taboos. General taboos include circumstances that people taboo because they respect something, be afraid of something of dislike something. For contrast, special taboos only stand for the respecting taboos. Respecting taboos is that archaic people avoid to say the name of the elders’ or avoid using the words and the sound of words that existing in the elders’ names because of the norm of feudalism etiquette or showing respect to someone. Before the Revolution of 1911, taboo phenomena existed in almost every dynasty of the Chinese feudalism history. The strictness of taboo differed in different dynasties, it was especially strict in Tang and Song dynasties. A number of taboo examples taken from the literatures are dynasties of feudalism society in the past. Based on these analysis, the author tries to ascertain the methods people used to taboo and the category of circumstances when archaic people tabooed. A new inspect is conducted to the taboo history of Chinese and the principles and the characteristics of taboos was summerised in the paper.

Key words: Taboo; Category; Method; Feudalism etiquette; Influence


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:我国古代典籍中常见的一种文化现象,源远流长。避讳有广义狭义之分。广义的避讳包括敬讳、忌讳与憎讳三种 情况,狭义的避讳指的仅仅是敬讳。敬讳主要指山于封建礼制、礼俗的......
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