
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:了不起的盖茨比 更新时间:2013-08-31
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ABSTRACT:Sound the same period plays an important role in television news, the introduction of sound, it makes TV news is more vivid. The "news zero distance" is the representative of the honghe journalism for people's livelihood, the same period is used popularly in the news, and it also used more successful, to add many window for reported. The same period of the programme sound been demonstrating the local conditions and customs of honghe, national culture and life of the various touching moment, more popular. Overall , sound the same period is used more successful in the " news zero distance", but there are a few small flaws, we should attention. Based on the "news zero distance" news reports for sampling survey, this paper expounds that action of sound the same period in the programme, demonstrates that the success of sound the same period the program using, it is concluded that the disadvantage and related Suggestion of the same period using in the program.

Keywords: Sound the same period;”The news zero distance" ; TV news; success




上传会员 了不起的盖茨比 对本文的描述:通过对《新闻零距离》的新闻报道作抽样调查,阐述了同期声在该节目中的作用,论证了该节目同期声运用的成功之处,最后得出了该节目同期声运用中的不足以及提出相关建议。......
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