
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-16
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ABSTRACT:Mobile phone is one of the indispensable tools of communication in the modern people's life, whether it is the use of cell phone calls, send text messages or the Internet, is designed to meet the needs of human communication. Contemporary college students living in an era of information technology, in an era of rapid economic development, networks and mobile phones has become the main communication tool for contemporary college students and text construction in college students ' communication to the public of a relatively private areas. The other hand, demand for college students have a strong friend, eager for others in the Association for their understanding and support, but due to various reasons, the majority of students do not express myself well, mobile and SMS, the body is not in the field of characteristics to promote students ' interpersonal communication in the process of establishing a "perfect" self. Through our questionnaires found that SMS has been very common in students ' lives and plays an important role in the Association.

Keyword:college students;short messages of cell phone ;influence




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:手机短信在大学生中发挥着得天独厚的优势的同时,弊端也逐渐暴露出来,但是当今学术界对手机短信的专门性研究比较少,尤其是手机短信对大学生的影响的专著更是少之又少,本文......
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