
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:在职研究生 更新时间:2013-10-22
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关键词:文心雕龙 文学 审美属性


ABSTRACT:“ Wen Xin Diao Long ”was born in the Wei and Jin Northern and Southern Dynasties, is unprecedented in Chinese history of literature, literary theory and aesthetics theory book, has a unique aesthetic literature. First of all, the language, poetic parallel prose in combination with concise words of praise, Make articles both the form and artistic conception, logical and clear; Second, the structure arrangement clear orderliness, whether the layout of the whole book or a chapter in the book, this paper is to put forward the argument, argument analysis, draw the conclusion for clues, logical and obvious, view clearly; Finally, the Confucian concept of "Writings are for conveying truth" on the inheritance and trade-offs, and the assimilation of "natural inaction" of Taoist thought, and under the influence of Buddhism, Pay attention to "the divine truth", believes that the humanity is a kind of unreal existence, formed the aesthetic features of Confucianism,Taoism,Buddhism three thought of integration.Made a powerful critique about flashy luxury style at that time, and put forward the aesthetic principles of the "Tao of nature", made an important contribution for the development of aesthetic thoughts in ancient China .

Key words:  “ Wen Xin Diao Long ”;  literature; aesthetic property






上传会员 在职研究生 对本文的描述:《文心雕龙》诞生于魏晋南北朝时期,是我国文学史、文论史及美学史上空前绝后的理论巨著,有着独特的文学审美性。首先,语言方面,富有诗意的骈文和简洁凝练的赞语相结合,使......
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