
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:在职研究生 更新时间:2013-10-22
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关键词:边塞诗 中唐 盛唐


ABSTRACT:Frontier Han origins can be traced back, but if on the Frontier most glorious era, it is undoubtedly the Tang Dynasty. The development of Tang Dynasty poetry unprecedented splendor, Tang Frontier as an important part of the emergence of a great poet and countless masterpieces. Although the Tang Dynasty from the Early to Late Frontier are born many excellent works, but one of the style was inspired by Don Wang Zhou force and effect changes in the social environment has undergone tremendous change in the Tang Dynasty by the Rebellion as a turning point in the gloom and doom , is also a watershed in the Tang Frontier style change, the subject through the study of Tang Tang Frontier Frontier compared to the style, theme and other aspects of the changes, which Frontier Exploration Rebellion on the development impact, let us be more in-depth Frontier in understanding the development of the Tang.

Keywords: Frontier-style Poetry;The frontier fortress poems;Poems of frontier fortress in the Tang Dynasty




上传会员 在职研究生 对本文的描述:本课题通过研究中唐边塞诗相较于盛唐边塞诗在风格,主题等方面的变化,从而探析安史之乱对边塞诗发展的影响,让我们更加深入的了解边塞诗在中唐的发展。......
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