
资料分类:外语学习 上传会员:随心所欲 更新时间:2014-03-18
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关键词:埃莉诺; 玛丽安; 理智; 情感; 社会意义


Abstract:Sense and Sensibility is the first work of Jane Austen, who is a famous British female novelist. In this novel, Jane Austen depicts the completely opposite characters of the two sisters, Elinor and Marianne, contrasts their experience in relationships, reveals the phenomenon that British women seek the economic security and disregard their feelings, and then advocates rational marriage and female’s independence and free. 

   This paper tries to make a comparison between sense and sensibility by contrasting and analyzing Elinor and Marianne’s different attitude and performance in face of four problems. Then it explores the factors causing Marianne’s change from sensibility to sense. Finally, based on the previous two parts, this paper perceives the social influence of Jane Austen’ Sense and Sensibility.

Key words:Elinor; Marianne;Sense;Sensibility;Social influence

上传会员 随心所欲 对本文的描述:揭露当时英国丑陋的社会现象。在《理智与情感》中,简·奥斯丁所描述的大多数女性为了金钱而出卖婚姻的现象正是18、19世纪英国社会现实的丑陋状况,女性为了过上富裕的生活而过......
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