
资料分类:外语学习 上传会员:随心所欲 更新时间:2014-03-18
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摘要:本文的主旨是通过对美国作家Scott Russell Sanders散文作品BEAUTY的翻译,讨论文学作品中的复合句的翻译方法。在英语翻译中,复合句的翻译是一个难点。这类长句通常结构复杂、层次纷纭,各修饰成分相互套接,紧密相扣。而其译文要求概念清晰、逻辑正确、表述得当。本文着重对长句的翻译方法进行了探讨,通过3个例子说明所用的方法,即先理解原文,透彻理解原文中单词和短语的含义,分析语法关系,了解原文所表达的主要内容;表达译文时要让读者易于理解,翻译出来的句子“合乎情理,合乎逻辑,合乎语法”,其中详细介绍了填词式表达译文的过程。在翻译时,还应该把握文章的语境,对词汇、句子乃至段落的理解应联系上下文,将其置于全文中理解,翻译时才能再现原文的风采。



Abstract:By translating “Beauty” by Scott Russell Sanders, this thesis is to discuss the translation of complex sentences. In English to Chinese translation, composite sentences are the difficult points. The complex sentences are usually with a complex structure and multilevel, and the modifiers are connected closely. While the translation text must be logical and easy to understand .The thesis also presents the methods in complex sentences translation through some examples: to comprehend the original and then to express the version. First, to comprehend the original is to understand the words, phrases and sentences, then analyze the grammar, and understand the exactly meaning of the text. Second, to translate the English into Chinese, the translation text should be logical and grammatical. The emphasis in the thesis is the lexical insertion. Third, translator may pay attention to the language environment, when translates the words, phrases and sentences ought to connect the context, try the best to reproduced the text.

Key words: long complex sentences; comprehension; translation

上传会员 随心所欲 对本文的描述: Sanders的这篇 "Beauty", 充满抒情散文的浓郁文采。作者思路开阔,从女儿的婚礼想到宇宙万物,从中生发出对美的不尽联想和无限感慨。全文行文如涓涓流水, 洒脱自如,充满如诗般的韵......
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