
资料分类:外国语学院 上传会员:论文不求人 更新时间:2020-09-04
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The book is an autobiography of Darry Lyon, which describes the story that Lyon became millionaire by shooting international celebrities. It had a detailed description of Darry Lyon’s life, including his career as a photographer and paparazzo. Through those photos he took, he showed us a completely different world of high society and low society.

The major task of me is to translate Chapter 4-6 of the book. Chapter 4 is about his several journeys in Bosnia. The tough life of them, tactful Dave, abnormal events and heartbreaking stories in Bosnia impressed and horrified me. Without the help of tactful Dave, the life of Lyon in Bosnia would be more strenuous.

Chapter 5 is a turning point of his life that he established his new business and married his beloved woman. Usually, we looked down on those paparazzi because the immorality of their behavior for money. But according to his speech about what they had paid and dangerous situations they had encountered, my view to them changed a lot. In this period his marriage with Mei seem to be unprosperous.

Chapter 6 states the third journey of him in Bosnia. Although he had made enough preparation, he still shocked by some unanticipated matters.

The three chapters shocked me by the anguished and grievous scenes in the war field. I wish more people could read this book and realize the bloodiness of war which is harmful to lots of people. I hope there will be no war in the world in the future.

上传会员 论文不求人 对本文的描述:From Prague to the Bosnian conflict was not so far in kilometers, but in terms of emotion and experience there was no comparison. This campaign was dark and frightening. Andy Kyle made the call to me: ‘pack your bags –you are on.’......
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