
资料分类:外国语学院 上传会员:论文不求人 更新时间:2020-09-04
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The book Focus is written by Heidi Grant Halvorson,a Doctor of Social Psychology and E. Tory Higgins,a professor of psychology, both of them are working at Columbia University. They provide people with practical and feasible life guidance by delving into people's cognition, emotions, motivations, goals and other aspects. This book is discussed based on the regulatory focus theory, and divided into two parts to interpret "focus". Part one is Promotion and Prevention. In this part, the authors explain the nature and features of the promotion and prevention focuses as well as how they work. In addition, researchers further study on the specific impact that the two focuses will bring to people in life. Part two is Motivation Fit. In this part, authors adopt a series of cases and experiments to prove the effective use of motivation fit can play a powerful role, such as fighting teen smoking, stopping tax cheats... and brings the sweeping influence to people. In this process, two chapters were chosen to be translated, namely Influence and To Market. 

Chapter eleven mainly tells that besides six factors of influence in our daily life to direct human behavior, which is identified in Robert Cialdini's book named Influence, the authors of Focus offer a seventh factor, namely motivation fit. That is, if your style of message fits the motivation focus of the audience, your audience will find it more persuasive. Then, a number of examples illustrate that point. Finally, the authors highlight the significance of a good fit.

Chapter twelve firstly summarizes the fact that the advertisers apply motivation fit to the commercial ads, so that they can gain a competitive advantage in this crowded field. Secondly, the authors elucidate the key to realizing motivation fit is to create the sources of fit. Thirdly, cases and experiments are conducted to explain that  motivation fit will affect your thinking, make you really want to purchase it, capture a new market segment, increase the customers' loyalty to the products, influence people's purchase choices as well as the satisfaction level of choices. Finally, the authors sum up a powerful role of motivation fit in marketing, and encourage people in the advertising business to effectively apply fit to make their ads more persuasive.

上传会员 论文不求人 对本文的描述:In his critically acclaimed bestseller Influence, psychologist and world-renowned persuasion expert Robert Cialdini identifies six weapons of influence in the battle to direct human behavior:......
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