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The book Two Weeks to a Breakthrough is written by Lisa Haneburg, she is a management leadership blogger and writer. She has written 12 business books and she also consults in the areas of leadership development and organization development.  She has talked to a broad range of audiences including leaders, managers, HR professionals and training professionals. She tells us that we cannot ignore any small actions in our lives, maybe you will succeed one day because of these small actions. 

Chapter four the author says the big power of small things. Maybe some small actions can change the World. Small becomes big. Sometimes some small actions can start with a reaction of other actions as long as you find and start with these small actions. Also, you need to make a goal. If you don't make a goal then you can’t make any progress at all, not to mention succeed. What’s more, you need to make requests, just share your goal with others and don’t be afraid, make a plan and keep on doing it. Maybe it will be difficult at first, but if you keep doing this, you may achieve great progress.

Chapter five the author tells us that before you start the plan, you have to start exercises to get yourself prepared. Doing some exercises like sharing your goal, taking actions, making requests and so on. Remember to do your exercises clearly and exactly. Remind yourself all the time that what you need to do, or you might be lost. What’s more, ‘Surprise’ is very important. The author says that surprise is just like a scalp massage, you’ll feel the different way if others do massage for you. Thus, keeping surprise is indispensable. Keep your plan and surely one day you will succeed.

上传会员 论文不求人 对本文的描述:As a trainer and executive coach, I have seen thousands of tiny acts make big differences. It’s exciting to observe. The question that turns the meeting on its end. The sudden inspiration to visit a museum that leads to a career change. Th......
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