
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-06
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摘  要:由于职业压力会直接导致青年教师的职业倦怠、情绪紧张、压抑、烦躁、忧郁等系列不良的心理反映,长此以往,会严重影响教师自身的身体健康、生活幸福与事业发展。特别是针对于农村小学青年教师,小学生是祖国的花朵,教师身负传播教育的重任,但由于农村的生活、学习各方面比不上城镇条件,以此更加深了青年教师的压力。本文通过对农村小学青年教师压力的研究,能够了解我国农村小学教师职业压力的现状,弄清农村小学教师职业压力的主要来源及其影响,帮助农村小学教师寻求缓解职业压力的有效途径。通过对农村小学青年教师这一群体进行研究,以期对农村小学青年教师面临的职业压力有一个全面的认识,从而能够对缓解小学青年教师压力起到一定的作用。

关键词: 农村小学,青年教师,工作压力,策略


ABSTRACT:Occupational stress will directly lead to the burnout of young teachers; emotional stress, depression, irritability, depression and other series of adverse psychological reflected in the long run, it will seriously affect the teacher's own health, happiness and career development. Especially for young teachers in rural primary schools, primary school students are the flowers of the motherland, teachers who are charged with the important task of dissemination of education, but learning all aspects of rural life, not as urban conditions, in order to be more pressure on young teachers. This paper tries to youth in rural primary school teachers pressure, be able to understand the occupational stress status quo of China's rural primary school teachers, to ascertain the rural primary school teachers occupational stress the main source of its influence to help primary school teachers in rural areas to seek effective ways to alleviate occupational stress. The study of this group of young teachers in rural primary schools, to a comprehensive understanding of the career pressures facing young teachers in rural primary schools, to play a role to ease the pressure on teacher.

Keywords : Rural primary schools; Young teachers; Job stress; Strategies

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:这表明教师的职业压力的存在是一个不争的事实,由于教师这一职业的特殊性,职业压力过重不仅会对青年教师身心及其行为产生负面影响;更为重要的是,还会对教师的教学和学生身......
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