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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:颖老师 更新时间:2020-01-19
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中文摘要: 孩子有三分之二的时间是生活在家庭中的,父母的一言一行,一举一动,无不随时随地地影响和教育着孩子。由此可见,家庭教育关系着孩子的一生。随着社会的发展,各国家长对于家庭教育都越来越重视,中美两国家长也不例外,两国家长都用他们认为最适合的方式来教育孩子。由于中美两国在文化、经济、政治等方面存在较大的差异,导致了中美两国在家庭教育方式上的差异。但是随着国际化趋势越来越明显,国与国之间的交流越来越多,中美双方在文化上相互渗透,相互借鉴,在家庭教育方式上也显现出相融合的地方。本文通过对《家有儿女》和《成长的烦恼》两部电视剧的比较来分析中美家庭教育的差异和融合,旨在找出两国家庭教育中存在的问题并提出一些建议。









Chapter 1 Introduction of the Thesis-1

1.1 Definition of family education-1

1.2 Background of previous studies-1

1.3Significance of the study-1

Chapter 2 Origins and Formation of Family Education-3

2.1Origins of Chinese family education-3

2.2 Origins of American family education-3

2.3 Formation of Chinese modern family education-3

2.3.1 Historical background-3

2.3.2 Economy-4

2.3.3 Culture-4

2.4Formation of American modern family education-4

2.4.1 Historical background-4

2.4.2 Economy-4

2.4.3 Culture-5

Chapter 3 Differences and similarities----“Home with Kids” VS “Growing Pains”-7

3.1 Introduction about two TV play series-7

3.1.1 Home with Kids-7

3.1.2 Growing Pains-7

3.2 Differences-7

3.2.1 Different attitudes to intellectual education-7

3.2.2 Different attitudes to moral education-9

3.2.3 Different attitudes to fall in love-10

3.2.4 Different attitudes to money and children’s friends-11

3.3 Similarities-12

3.3.1 “Home with Kids”: from America to China-12

3.3.2 “Growing Pains”: from China to America-13

Chapter 4 Problems and Suggestions-15

4.1 Problems-15

4.1.1 Problems in Chinese family education-15

4.1.2 Problems in American family education-15

4.2 Suggestions-16

4.2.1 Suggestions to Chinese family education-16

4.2.2 Suggestions to American family education-16

Chapter 5 Conclusion-17



上传会员 颖老师 对本文的描述:The thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter One serves as an introduction of the whole thesis. Chapter Two is the literature review of the origins and formation of family education of China and America. As the main part, Chapter Three d......
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