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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:颖老师 更新时间:2020-01-20
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中文摘要:人与自然环境的关系一直是各个领域研究的焦点。人是自然界的产物,人的成长离不开环境的作用,包括着自然环境和社会生活环境,其思维性格的形成也往往会受到环境的影响。作为一名作家,这种现实的影响,必然会在其作品中有所反映。艾米莉·勃朗特是十九世纪英国文坛的一颗明星,《呼啸山庄》的出版虽然一开始遭人冷落与贬斥,但时代的变迁,这部艾米莉生前唯一的一部小说愈来愈受各界关注,尤其是她对自然环境的描述让人不由得想去研究她的生活环境。本课题就艾米莉·勃朗特及其作品《呼啸山庄》,从环境描写这一角度出发,详尽地分析阐述现实环境与艾米莉的性格,环境影响下的艾米莉与小说中的环境、人物塑造等之间的关系,从而揭示出人与人、人与环境之间存在着某种必然的联系,教导我们在现实生活中, 要融入自然,与自然和谐相处,这对建设和谐社会具有重大意义。







Chapter 1 Introduction-1

1.1 Emily Brontë and her Major Literary Achievements-1

1.2 Relevant Comments on Emily Brontë and Wuthering Heights-1

1.3 Literature Review-2

Chapter 2 The Natural and Social Environment Emily Brontë lived and their Influences on her Characteristics-3

2.1 Nature and Geographical Environment-3

2.2 Families and Education-4

2.3 Religions and Cultural Customs-5

Chapter 3 The Reflection of the Relationship between Nature and Characteristics-Shaping in the Novel "Wuthering Heights"-7

3.1 Love for Nature & Natural Scenery in "Wuthering Heights"-7

3.2 Her Characteristics under her growth environment & Analysis of Character Shaping and its Prototype-8

3.2.1 Resolute and Rebellious-8

3.2.2 Love for Nature-9

3.2.3 Ambivalence-9

3.3 Difference between Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange on Environment-10

3.3.1 Environments of Wuthering Heights-10

3.3.2 Environments of Thrushcross Grange-10

3.3.3 Comparison between two places-10

Chapter 4 Harmony between Environment and Human-13

Chapter 5 Conclusion-15



上传会员 颖老师 对本文的描述:The relationship between human and environment is always the focus of researches in every field. Human is the product of nature, and people will not survive without the environment. In a broad sense, environment includes natural and social e......
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