
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:N号老师 更新时间:2020-10-21
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关键词: 翻转课堂     小学英语     翻转对象


Abstract:English is an important part of primary school discipline. It is necessary to take effective teaching methods to improve students’ learning efficiency. Since Beck Wesley first proposed the concept of “flipped classroom” in the eleventh session of the university teaching conference in 2000, the flipped classroom teaching model has attracted the attention of scholars at home and abroad. Under such circumstance, the domestic scholars are actively carried out the exploration and researches of the flipped classroom. 

As an important teaching method, the flipped classroom caters to the requirements of the primary school English teaching. Only through the reasonable application of the flipped classroom teaching method, can teachers arouse students’ enthusiasm for learning, promote interaction between teachers and students in English class, and improve students’ learning efficiency. 

    This paper discusses the flipped subjects in the flipped classroom, and explores the application of the flipped classroom in primary school English teaching before class, in class and after class by combining the flipped classroom with primary school English teaching as an organic whole so as to stimulate students’ learning interest, cultivates students’ autonomous learning ability.


Key Words: the flipped classroom      primary English      the flipped subjects





Chapter One  Introduction-1

1.1 Background-1

1.2 Definition of the flipped classroom-2

1.3 Research significance-3

Chapter Two  Flipped Subjects in the Flipped Classroom-5

2.1 The flipped classroom “flips” the teacher-5

2.2 The flipped classroom “flips” the students-5

2.3 The flipped classroom “flips” the assignments-7

Chapter Three  The Application of Flipped Classroom in Primary School English Teaching-8

3.1 Learning before class-8

3.1.1 Watching videos or other learning materials-8

3.1.2 Evaluating of students’ performance-9

3.2 Classroom activities-9

3.2.1 Designing the tasks in class-9

3.2.2 Organizing activities in class-10

3.3 Comprehensive evaluation and feedback-11

3.3.1 Setting the standards of the evaluation with definite goals-11

3.3.2 Emphasizing innovation, improvement and perfection-11

Chapter Four Conclusion-12


上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:本文结合小学生的发展特点,具体论述了翻转课堂是如何在小学英语教学中进行应用的,为翻转课堂在小学英语教学中的应用补充了一定的理论依据和教学实践参考。有助于教师恰当运......
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