
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:N号老师 更新时间:2020-10-21
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中文摘要:英语是一门包含多层面的综合实用性语言,因此学习、掌握好英语尤其是语音发音是至关重要的。吴方言——中国七大方言的一个分支,在语音、语调等方面都与英语发音有很多的不同,因此对于吴地学生来说,这充满方言的学习环境会对学习英语语音产生重大障碍。语言之间的迁移是外语学习中不可避免的。本文将着重分析吴方言语言特点, 并通过例证、比较分析等方法途径, 阐述吴方言对学习英语语音的负迁移影响, 并对此提出有效的教学应对策略。

关键词:吴方言     英语语音     负迁移     应对策略


Abstract:English is a comprehensive and practical language which contains many levels, so it is very important to learn and master the pronunciation of English. Wu dialect—— one of China’s seven major dialects, has many differences with English pronunciation in the aspects of voice, tone and so on. So for the students who speak Wu Dialect, the learning environment which is full of dialect will have major obstacles in learning English pronunciation. The transfer between languages is inevitable in foreign language learning. This essay will focus on the analysis of the features of Wu dialect and expound the negative transfer of Wu Dialect on the learning of English pronunciation through examples, comparative analysis and other methods, and then put forward some effective teaching coping strategies.

Key Words: Wu dialect     English pronunciation     negative transfer 

coping strategies





Chapter one Background-1

Chapter Two Introduction-2

2.1 The theory of transfer-2

2.1.1 The basic concept of the transfer theory-2

2.1.2 The reasons for the formation of the phenomenon of transfer-3

2.2 The basic introduction to the characteristics of dialect pronunciation-4

Chapter Three The influence of dialect on English pronunciation learning-6

3.1 The influence of dialect on English pronunciation learning-6

3.2 The influence of dialect on English intonation learning-8

Chapter Four The analysis of students’ learning coping strategies-9

4.1 Clear learning objectives, from the root of the positive thinking and attitude, to overcome the obstacles of emotional factors-9

4.2 Learning English pronunciation systematically and earnestly implementing the work-10

4.3 Using the scientific method, do a good job of listening to music training and imitation...12

Chapter Five Conclusion-14

5.1 Conclusion of study-14


上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述: 本课题对江浙地区吴方言的发音特点进行专门的分析,从语音、语调等几个主要方面与英语语音作出对比,总结出容易影响英语学习的内容并找出对策。这将有利于教师及学生了解方言......
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