
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:N号老师 更新时间:2020-10-21
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关键词:小组合作学习     英语教学     实施策略


Abstract:Studies have shown that group cooperative learning has important effects on the education in class. It is very worthy of our thinking and exploring to study the importance of group cooperative learning in English teaching in elementary school and how to take advantages of team teaching. In this thesis, it centralizes this point. Team cooperation as the starting point, the thesis focuses on the importance of team cooperation in the English teaching in primary school English and the superiority, which provides good policy for the elementary school.

 This thesis is divided into five chapters. First chapter is introduction, which introduces the background, purpose and significance of this thesis, as well as the problems to be solved and the innovation of this thesis is introduced. The second chapter introduces the background of the team cooperation, and it will introduce the definition and origin of group work, the importance of English teaching in team cooperation, the literature review in domestic and overseas, and the premise of clear definition the thesis discussed. The third chapter is to introduce the advantages and the importance of group work on three aspects improving the students’ learning interest, and improving students’ comprehensive quality and enhancing the class interests detailed in this thesis. The fourth chapter introduces the implementation of the team cooperation strategy, which is divided into clear grouping, the determination of group tasks and team cooperation results. The fifth chapter is the conclusion part, as well as for the group cooperative learning in the primary school English teaching reasonable suggestions.

Key Words: Group Cooperative Learning     English Teaching     Implement Strategies





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 The background-1

1.2 The significance and purpose-2

Chapter Two Literature review-3

2.1 The definition of group cooperative learning-3

2.2 The importance of group cooperative learning-3

2.3 Literature review in domestic and overseas-4

Chapter Three Advantages and disadvantages of group cooperative learning-6

3.1 The advantages of group cooperative learning-6

3.1.1Increasing students’ learning interest-6

3.1.2Increasing the fun in class-6

3.1.3 Improving students’ comprehensive abilities-7

3.2 The disadvantages of group cooperative learning-8

Chapter Four Strategies for the implementation of group cooperative learning in English class-9

4.1Dividing the groups-9

4.2 Determining groups tasks in class-10

4.3 Generating appropriate stimulating strategies-11

4.3.1 Showing the stimulation of group cooperative-12

4.3.2 Inspiring all students to take part in group cooperative learning-13

Chapter Five Conclusion-14

5.1 Main findings-14

5.2 Several suggestions for instant group cooperative learning’s development-15


上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:虽然小组合作学习作为新课改倡导的三大学习方式之一,已被广大小学英语教师广泛用于课堂教学之中。但在应用过程中,也出现了诸多不完善之处。因此,反思小组合作学习在农村小......
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