
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:N号老师 更新时间:2020-10-21
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关键词:情感教育     英语教学     小学


Abstract:The former Soviet union educator Sukhomlinskii hold the view that emotion is a fertile land, on which the seeds of knowledge are sowed. It is obvious that emotion is in a foundational position of education. To obtain a good teaching effect, we must treat emotional education seriously. But the reality is that, for temporary benefit, most education workers have focused their sights on the cultivation of the students' language knowledge and language skills, ignoring the importance of emotional education. This model of teaching without foundation will inevitably lead to the stagnation of Chinese education. To avoid this, the new curriculum reform has put forward the "people-oriented" core idea, making students' emotional development a core part of English teaching.

 However, there are few studies on how to introduce emotional education to English teaching of primary school both at home and abroad. Hence, based on the early studies, this paper explores the importance of emotional education in English teaching of primary school, and briefly analyzes emotional factors in English teaching of primary school coupled with how to use these factors to promote English teaching, in order to provide some teaching advice for English teachers and further promote the reform of English Curriculum.

Key Words: emotional education     English teaching      primary school





Chapter One Introduction.1

1.1 The background1

1.2 The significance and purpose.2

Chapter Two Literature review4

2.1 Necessity of emotional education in English teaching of primary school.4

2.2 The earlier studies at home and abroad4

2.2.1 Studies of emotional education abroad.4

2.2.2 Studies of emotional education at home5

Chapter Three Influential factors of emotional education in English teaching of primary school7

3.1 Teachers' emotional factors7

3.2 Students' emotional factors.7

Chapter Four Ways to improve students’ studies by emotional education in English teaching of primary school.10 

4.1 Establish a harmonious relationship between teachers and students to motivate student’s learning motivation and interest10

4.2 Create a happy classroom atmosphere to eliminate students' anxiety11

4.3 Construct appropriate encouragement system to enhance students'


Chapter Five Conclusion14 


上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:近几年来我国小学英语教学界也提出了不少经验型的与情感教学相关的教学模式,如小学英语快乐课堂教学模式、情境教学与游戏活动相结合的教学模式等等,都从一定的角度关注和探......
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