
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:N号老师 更新时间:2020-10-21
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关键词:英语绘本     小学英语     阅读     应用


Abstract:Reading, a significant form of input, is not only the basis of English teaching and learning, but also a crucial skill which needs to be taught and trained. However, affected by the traditional teaching concepts and teaching conditions. The primary school English teaching still faces some problems and challenges, among which how to improve the students’ reading efficiency is the most urgent one needed to be solved. 

As an approachable reading material, Picture Book is considered as the most attractive one and favored by primary students. The application of Picture Books in primary school English teaching could better meet the teaching targets and contents set by the New Teaching Reform, arouse the interest of students, and improve the teaching efficiency, which in turn contributes to a preferable teaching effect.

Based on the teaching practice in primary school, this paper discusses the application of Picture Books in the English class from the prospectives of phone, lexis and emotion.

Key Words: English Picture Book   primary English   reading   application





Chapter One Introduction-5

1.1 Background-5

1.2 Definition of Picture Books-6

1.3 Characteristics of Picture Books-7

1.4 Significance of the study-8

Chapter Two Advantages and Selection Criteria of English Picture Books.-10

2.1 Advantages of English Picture Books-10

2.1.1 Creating a pleasant reading environment-10

2.1.2 Providing a complete learning experience-10

2.1.3 Expanding the imagination.-10

2.2 Selection criteria of English Picture Books-11

2.2.1 Selecting appropriate English Picture Books for the target readers-11

2.2.2 Integrating English Picture Books to textbooks-12

Chapter Three The Application of English Picture Books in Primary School English Teaching-13

3.1The application of English Picture Books in the phonetic teaching-13

3.2 The application of English Picture Books in the vocabulary teaching-15

3.3 The application of English Picture Books in the emotional teaching-16

Chapter Four Conclusion-19


上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:绘本是小学生接触最多的儿童读物之一,也是小学生最喜欢、最具吸引力的读物,因此利用绘本进行小学英语教学,可以更好的落实新课改制定的教学目标,完成教学内容,并且这种图......
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