
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:N号老师 更新时间:2020-10-21
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关键词: 双语教学     双语教育     小学英语课堂


Abstract:As the 21st century comes, the market economy and mass media develops at a quick speed, it turns out that the influence of English is increasing. Also, bilingual education is becoming an important tool to improve the level of English. The surveys on bilingual education pass on a long history throughout the word. But the study on bilingual education in English class of primary school in China is not enough especially on advantages and disadvantages. The introduction and literature review well be discussed on chapter one and chapter two. The advantages and disadvantages will be discussed on chapter three and the measures will be discussed on chapter four. Therefore, to face the low efficiency of English teaching, many researches on the advantages and disadvantages of bilingual education in the English class of primary school were made and some suggestions to our bilingual education were given.

Key words: Bilingual Teaching     Bilingual Education     English Class of Primary School





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 The background of this study-1

1.2 The significance and purpose-3

Chapter Two Literature review-4

2.1 Definition of bilingual educatiom-4

2.2 Necessity and main pattern of bilingual teaching-5

2.3 The earlier study at home and abroad-6

Chapter Three On the advantages and disadvantages of carrying out bilingual education in the English class of primary school-9

3.1 The feasibility of carrying out binlingual education-9

3.2 Advantages of carrying out bilingual education-9

3.2.1 Help students to bulid new relationship-9

3.2.2 Force the teachers to improve their profession level-10

3.2.3 Enhance students’ cultural understanding-10

3.3 Disadvantages of carrying out bilingual education-11

3.3.1 Easy to ignore students who are not clever-11

3.3.2 Easy to cause the waste of teaching resources-11

3.3.3 Easy to become a formality-11

Chapter Four The enlightenment and improvement measures of bilingual teaching-13

4.1 The enlightenment of bilingual teaching-13

4.2 The improvement measures of bilingual teaching-14

Chapter Five Conclusion-16


上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:双语教学最早起源于国外,在实践过程中形成了一些比较成熟、自成体系的双语教学基本理论,被国际外语教学界公认为是一项成功的外语教学策略。近年来,我国在小学英语教学上并没......
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