
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:N号老师 更新时间:2020-10-21
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关键词:小学英语      游戏      兴趣    应用


Abstract:Because of the rapid development of world wide science, economy and technology, English has become a global language. However, there is a common phenomenon that students’ interest in English learning is cutting down as English knowledge becomes more and more difficult. And using games to stimulate students’ interest in English learning is the target in primary English teaching. The game teaching requires teachers have the abilities of skills and adaptability. But it may be difficult for some teachers. Game teaching is supported to be an effective means to cultivate students’ interest in English learning. For a child, the game means the life and life means a game. On account of that the game not only meets the features of children’s mental and physical development but also establishes their interest and cultivates their curiosity in learning. Moreover, the game teaching approach can help pupils consolidate their knowledge points and develop their communication skills.

This thesis is made up of five chapters. The first chapter is the background, significance and purpose of game teaching. The second chapter is literature review which tells us the definition of game, the characteristics of pupils, constructivism theory and cognitive theory. The third chapter introduces types of games. Different educators classify games with different ideas. In the fourth chapter, the author will conclude some existing problems according to some cases. The last chapter analyzes the reasons for problems and comes up with the solutions.

Key Words: primary school English, game, interest, application





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Background-1

1.2 The significance and purpose-2

Chapter Two Literature Review-5

2.1 Definition of game-5

2.2 The characteristic of primary school students-6

2.3 Constructivism theory-7

2.4 Cognition theory-7

Chapter Three Type of games-8

3.1 Five types of games-8

3.2 Two types of games-8

3.3 Four types of games-8

3.4 Ten types of games-10

Chapter Four Existing Problems-11

4.1 Ignoring the cultivation of students’ language competence-11

4.2 A few participators-12

4.3 not appropriate requirements of games-12

4.4 A waste of time-13

Chapter five Countermeasure-15

5.1 Reasons for the problems-15

5.2 Principles of game teaching method-15

5.2.1 Linguistic-15

5.2.2 Universality-16

5.2.3 Appropriateness-17

5.2.4. Pragmatically-17


上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:我国学习英语人数众多,然而如何提高英语学习质量,保持英语学习的热情和兴趣却是问题。游戏在小学英语教学中的应用不仅可以缓解学生第一次学习英语的紧张情绪,还可以驱除语......
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