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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:荠菜花 更新时间:2025-03-21
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转换比率:金额 X 10=金币数量, 例100元=1000金币 论文字数:13458
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关键词: 一带一路;海外并购;并购绩效;并购动因;财务指标法
目 录
摘 要
Chapter One: Introduction-1
1.1-Research Background-1
1.2-Research Significance-2
1.3-Innovations and Deficiencies-3
1.4-Concepts Introduction-4
1.5-Three Different Types of Oversea M&A Activities-5
Chapter Two: Literature Review-8
2.1-The Research on the Motivation of M&A Activities-8
2.2-Economic Consequences-11
2.3-Merger and Acquisition of Commercial Bank-12
2.4-Comments on Literatures-12
Chapter Three: Theoretical Analysis on the Impact of “The One Belt and One Road” Policy on M&A Activities and the Performance Evaluation Methods-14
3.1-Impact of “The One Belt and One Road” Policy on M&A Activities-14
3.2-Risks Involved in Overseas M&A-16
3.3-Performance Evaluation Methods of Overseas M&A-18
Chapter Four: Case Study on Overseas M&A of ICBC on Standard Bank-21
4.1-Analysis on The Development Status of Acquiring Bank-21
4.2-Analysis on the development status of acquired bank-23
4.3-The Motivation of ICBC Acquiring the Standard Bank-25
Chapter Five: Evaluation of the Acquisition’s Performance-27
5.1-Introduction of Evaluation Method-27
5.2-Evaluation on ICBC’s Performance-27
5.3-Evaluation on Standard Bank’s Performance-30
5.4-The Stock Price of ICBC-32
Chapter Six: Policy Recommendations and Conclusions-34
6.1  Policy Recommendations-34
上传会员 荠菜花 对本文的描述:This thesis first reviews and theoretically analyzes the motivations of enterprises’ overseas mergers and acquisitions. Based on it, the ICBC acquiring Standard Bank is selected as the case study in this thesis. The motivation of ICBC acqu......
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