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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:荠菜花 更新时间:2025-03-21
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目 录
摘 要
1  Introduction1
1.1 Significance and purpose1
1.2 Literature review2
2  Current status of internet finance in China4
2.1 The development of internet finance4
2.1.1 Commercial banks4
2.1.2 Small loan companies5
2.1.3 E-commerce6
2.2 The risks of internet finance7
3  Current status of internet finance regulation in China9
  3.1 The importance of internet finance regulation9
  3.2 The measures of Internet financial regulation in China10
3.2.1 Establish a comprehensive dynamic regulatory mechanism10
3.2.2 Strengthen the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests10
  3.3 The problems of Internet financial regulation in China11
3.3.1 Lack of perfect security information system11
3.3.2 Lack of sound laws and regulations11
3.3.3 Inadequate supervision12
4  The case study of Huabei13
4.1 Development status of Huabei13
4.2 The current risks of Huabei14
4.2.1 "Cash out" risk14
4.2.2 Credit rating risk15
4.2.3 Cyber security risks15
4.2.4 High leverage risk16
4.2.5 Policy risk17
4.3 Corresponding regulatory measures for Huabei17
5  The measures for internet finance regulation21
5.1 Strictly control the access mechanism and exit mechanism21
5.2 Strengthen the regulatory system22
5.3 Strengthen the credit construction of Internet Finance22
6  Conclusion24
上传会员 荠菜花 对本文的描述:With the continuous innovation of Internet technology, more and more financial innovation appears in our life. Internet finance has become a new trend of modern financial development. Debonisr and Silvestrinia (2016) believed that Internet f......
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