
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-11
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Abstract:Reading is the most significant means of language learning. It is also one of the main ways for people to gain knowledge and information. The main goal in senior middle school English teaching is to train students reading ability. But it is this goal that has frustrated both teachers and students. According to the schema theory, the writer of this paper takes one hundred Senior One students as study objects to find main obstacles in while-reading, which mainly includes vocabulary obstacle and the bad habits of reading, and then try to come up with some possible strategies on the basis of students’ responses to questionnaires, for instance, enlarge vocabulary and cultivate good reading habits, so it can help students to improve their reading ability and enhance their practical ability in English.

Key words: Senior One students;English teaching;Reading obstacles;Schema theory




上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:This chapter will discuss the topic from the following three parts, the importance of reading obstacles study, the purpose of this paper, and the structure of this paper. The author will discuss it as follows......
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