
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:lovefish 更新时间:2015-03-09
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Abstract: With the popularity of international business and trade, business correspondence is widely used and its importance is increasing. International business transactions are done between different language groups, so the translation of business correspondence from one language to another becomes inevitable. However, because business correspondence requires accuracy in meaning, preciseness in form and highly specialized terminology, the translation of it has never been an ordinary task. The complexity and diversity of business correspondence determine that this single paper cannot offer an efficient translation strategy for the whole business correspondence. So, the author selects one part of the business correspondence, enquiry letters, as the object of study. By consulting related books and searching for information on the Internet, the author now masters the basic knowledge of enquiry letters and the translation methods about it. This paper contains six parts: introduction, types of enquiry letters, principles of the translation of business letters, translation methods of enquiry letters, translation examples of enquiry letters and conclusion, and it aims to provide the readers with a brief introduction of enquiry letters in business communication and strategies in the translation of it.

Key words: business correspondence, translation, enquiry letters, strategies




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