
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:好男孩 更新时间:2016-06-15
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Abstract:Racial problems are one of the most typical and sensitive problems in American society. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which is written by Mark Twain, is a clear mirror to the racial problems and to the American society. 

This paper is going to describe the racial discriminations in America through describing Jim’s bitter experiences of being sold, being hunted after, being fooled by Tom. The main purposes of this paper are to reflect the influence that the slavery does on a black slave, to demonstrate the racial problems in this novel as well as to express the author’s love of democracy, equality and freedom.


Key words: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; racial discriminations; slavery; freedom





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. The Study on the Racial Discriminations Jim Suffered from in the Novel-4

3.1 Sold by His Master Miss Watson-4

3.2 Hunted After by Mr. Judith Loftus-6

3.3 Fooled by Tom-7

4. Conclusion-9

Works Cited-11

上传会员 好男孩 对本文的描述:本论文将从主人公黑奴吉姆被贩卖、被追捕和被愚弄的经历阐述黑奴所遭遇的种族歧视问题。文章的最终目的就是从吉姆的以上经历中揭示奴隶制度和种族歧视对一个黑人的深刻影响,......
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