
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:好男孩 更新时间:2016-06-15
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Abstract:Based on the previous studies of the feasibility and effectiveness of peer feedback in EFL writing instruction, this paper aims to provide several pedagogical suggestions for college English writing in China. Results show that students hold positive attitude towards peer feedback; students are capable of assessing others’ essays; significant improvements have been made in writing proficiency, especially for the reviewers; the reviewers become good self-revisers. Then pedagogical implications are provide based on the above conclusions, including 1) training students to be effective peer reviewers; 2) designing the procedure and steps of peer feedback; 3) establishing more operational scoring criterion; 4) combining peer feedback with teacher feedback. Peer feedback plays a significant role in college English writing instruction in China.


Key words: English writing; peer feedback; teacher feedback






2.Literature Review-1

2.1The Definition of Feedback and Peer Feedback-1

2.2 Theoretical Bases-2

2.3 Studies of Peer Feedback in Writing-4

3. The Feasibility and Effectiveness of Peer Feedback-5

3.1 The Feasibilty of Peer Feedback-5

3.2 The Effectiveness of Peer Feedback-7

4. Pedagogical Implications for College English Writing-10

4.1 Training Students to be Effective Peer Reviewers-10

4.2 Designing Procedure and Steps of Peer Feedback -11

4.3 Estabilshing Operational Scoring Criterion-12

4.4 Combing Peer Feedback with Teacher Feeback-13

5. Conclusion-14

 Work Cited-15

上传会员 好男孩 对本文的描述:研究表明:学生对同伴反馈持积极肯定的态度;学生具备评价他人作文的能力;同伴反馈使提供反馈的学生在写作水平上有了明显的进步;同伴反馈使得提供反馈的学生能更好地修改自......
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