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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-22
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Abstract:Based on previous research, this thesis makes further exploration and analysis on the rhetorical characteristics of languages in advertisement English. First, the thesis introduces the importance of advertisements in modern society and the significance of rhetorical devices in the writing of advertisements. Then, it focuses on the introduction of some basic knowledge about advertisement and rhetorical devices and the conclusion of the research on this topic at home and abroad. What come next are the rhetorical characteristics of advertisement English analyzed in the aspects of sound, resemblance or relationship and emphasis or understatement. At last, the author emphasizes the significance of the rhetorical devices in the language of advertisement English. The understanding and analysis of rhetorical characteristics of languages in advertisement English can help us to correctly understand the linguistic phenomenon. The aims of this thesis are to make readers better comprehend the features of advertisement English and further understand the language, culture and background of English speaking countries.

Key words: advertisement English; rhetorical devices; rhetorical characteristics





1. Introduction1

2. Theoretical Framework1

  2.1 Introduction of Advertisement

    2.1.1 Definition of Advertisement

    2.1.2 Classifications of Advertisement

    2.1.3 Functions of Advertisement Language

  2.2 Introduction of Rhetorical Devices

    2.2.1 Definition of Rhetorical Devices

    2.2.2 Classifications of Rhetorical Devices

3.Literature Review. 4

  3.1 Domestic Research Status

  3.2 Foreign Research Status

4. Rhetorical Characteristics of Advertisement English5

  4.1 Rhetorical Devices of Sound 

    4.1.1 Alliteration 

    4.1.2 Consonance

4.1.3 Onomatopoeia 

  4.2 Rhetorical Devices of Resemblance or Relationship      

    4.2.1 Simile      

    4.2.2 Metaphor

    4.2.3 Personification

    4.2.4 Parody

    4.2.5 Hyperbole

    4.2.6 Metonymy

    4.2.7 Pun 

  4.3 Rhetorical Devices of Emphasis or Understatement 

    4.3.1 Repetition 

    4.3.2 Parallelism 

    4.3.3 Antithesis

    4.3.4 Rhetoric Question

5. Conclusion10



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:本文对广告英语的语言修辞特点做出进一步探索和研究。本文首先介绍广告在当代社会中的重要功能以及修辞手法在广告创作中的重要作用。其次对广告和修辞手法的基本知识以及国内......
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