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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-27
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Abstract:Since the 1970s, vocabulary learning has gradually attracted continuous attention from researchers. And among the massive researches, many scholars have shifted their attention to the modality effects on second language vocabulary learning as learners have more access to materials like images, video, audio and captions due to the introduction of multimedia into teaching activity. However, scholars have not reached a consensus on the issue of modality effects on L2 vocabulary learning. Therefore, the aim of this study is to review recent studies into multimodality effects on L2 vocabulary acquisition, illustrate different results concerning the diversified effects of visual modality, audio modality and a combination of both modality on L2 vocabulary acquisition and compare related data so as to explore the reasons of these disparity and limitations of each investigations. Finally, based on previous review, this study proposes some possible future directions in this field.


Keywords: L2 vocabulary acquisition; visual modality; audio modality; visual and audio modality





Chapter 1 Introduction-1

Chapter 2 What Modality Affects More on Second Language Vocabulary Learning?-3

2.1 Auditory Modality-3

2.2 Visual Modality-4

2.3 Visual and Auditory Modality-5

Chapter 3 Data Analysis-7

3.1 Introduction-7

3.2 Comparative Analysis of Data-7

Chapter 4  Reasons of Inconclusive Findings-11

4.1 Language Proficiency of the Subjects-11

4.2 Sample Size-11

4.3 The Language Family of Learner’ First and Second language-12

4.4 The Learning Style of Experimental Subjects-12

4.5 The Objects of Learning-12

4.6 The Differences in Task Designs-13

4.7 Assessment Instruments-14

4.8 Summary-14

Chapter 5  Future Directions-17



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:旨在综述并分析近年来有关多种输入模态对第二语言词汇习得的影响的研究,阐述不同学者在视觉模态,听觉模态及视听双模态对二语词汇习得的影响上的不同研究结果,分析相关数据......
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