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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-27
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Abstract:With the development of the international trade, English business correspondence has gradually played an important role in the trade activities. In the international business transaction, a polite English business letter can not only set a good image of the corporate, but also create harmonious business relationship. In that case, a polite and appropriate way of writing is essential.

Based on the famous English linguist G.N.Leech 's“Politeness principle”, the thesis analyses the implementation of politeness and its policy in the business correspondence, with an aim to raise the public awareness of the importance of the politeness in the business communication and enable people more effectively to apply the politeness strategy to achieve the communication goal. Politeness principle was put forward by G.N.Leech on the basis of the research by Goffman, Brown&Levinson as well as Grice’s “cooperative principle” . The appropriate use of the “politeness principle” in the business correspondence writing can help guarantee the success of the business activities.

    The present study gives an overview about PP and English business correspondence and analyses the necessity of applying PP in English business correspondence. It aims to explore how the politeness maxims are applied in the English business correspondence writing, and for what reason they are applied in this way. It is found that a successful English business correspondence always applies one or more maxims appropriately. Meanwhile, it gives examples of improper expression and offers further explanations to improve them. In this way, it puts forward some politeness strategies used in the business correspondence writing. 


Keywords: politeness principle; English business correspondence; pragmatics; politeness strategies





Chapter 1 Introduction-1

1.1 The context of this study-1

1.2 Layout of the thesis-1

Chapter 2 Literature Review-3

2.1 An Overview of Politeness Theories-3

2.2 An Overview of English Business Correspondence-5

2.3 Studies of PP in Business Letters-6

Chapter 3 Application of PP in English Business Correspondence-7

3.1 Necessity of Applying PP in English Business Correspondence-7

3.2 Examples of Six Maxims Applied in the English Business Corresspondence-7

3.3 The Combinatorial Use of Politeness Maxims— An Example-10

Chapter 4 The Violation of PP in English Business Correspondence and Improvement-11

4.1 Examples and Further Explanation of Improper Expression-11

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Limitations-13

5.1 Conclusion-13

5.2 Limitations and Future Prospects-13



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:论文分析了英语商务信函中引用礼貌原则的必要性。通过探寻何种礼貌原则被应用于英语商务信函中,它们被怎样运用以及为什么这样运用,发现一封表达合理的英语商务信函中通常会......
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