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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-27
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Abstract:The 3rd plenary session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China sounded the clarion call of China's reform. And socialist economic system reforming is in order to make the market mechanism play a more important role, which is market-oriented reforming. As Chinese market economy established and improved, the Chinese economy entered into a high-speed track. But compared with developed countries, China's market economy is a newborn baby. In growth and development there are many issues to be explored and improved. Especially the absence of market ethics has brought great harm to China's market economy. Therefore it needs to establish and perfect socialist market economic ethical norms. Confucian cultural comes down for more than 2,000 years in China and its impact on our national outlook are enormous and far-reaching. Owing to this reason, the paper firstly proposed that credibility is the ethical basis of the mechanism of Market Economy and the righteousness unified with the profit-making lays the judgment of our market values from the Confucian ethics' stratification. By analyzing the historical development of Hui Merchants and Shanxi Merchants, it expounded on the contribution of Confucianism to constructing ancient market ethics. Secondly, from the theoretical prospect, it analyses Confucianism Culture on the positive role of the socialist market economy. Finally, by analyzing typical cases, it concludes that Confucianism culture is conducive to China’s ethics of socialist market economy development and promotes the a healthy and orderly development of economy.


Keywords: Confucianism; market ethics; honesty; righteousness unified with money-making





Chapter 1 Introduction-1

Chapter 2 Hui Merchants and Shanxi Merchants-3

2.1 Confucianism-3

2.2 Hui Merchants-4

2.2.1 History-4

2.2.2 The Honesty Hui Merchant-5

2.3 Shanxi Merchants-7

2.3.1 History-7

2.3.2 Good Faith-7

Chapter 3 The Impact of Confucian Ethics Culture upon the Modern Business-9

3.1 "Ren"(仁)as The Principle of Management Thought-10

3.2"Yi"(义) as Characteristic Management and Operation Method-10

3.3 "Li"(礼) as The Management Features-11

3.4 "Zhi"(智) as The Power of Management Strategy-11

3.5 "Xin"(信) as The Core Management Goals-11

Chapter 4 Studies and Analyses About Business ethics-13

4.1 Sanlu Group-13

4.2 Foxconn-14

Chapter 5 Conclusion-15



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:其对我国的作用和影响是巨大而深远的。本文首先从儒家伦理的层面,提出了“诚信之道”应是构建市场经济的伦理基础和“义利统一”观作为我们市场的价值观。通过分析徽商和晋商......
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