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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小萌男 更新时间:2016-09-27
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Abstract:Culture is the sum of material and spiritual wealth created in the history of human society. The more culture developed, the more able to reflect the strength and status of a nation. Debates on the differences between Chinese and Western culture have been making more than four hundred years. The movie Gua Sha put a judicial conflict about whether scraping is a therapy or child abuse as the main line, which actually shows the culture collision and conflict. For a more thorough understanding of the differences between Chinese and Western cultures and having more successfully cross-cultural communication, the paper based on the movie but not only on the movie, that is, the plot of the movie is not the only thing the author discusses, the most important focus is put on finding out as many differences as possible by using a broader angles while observing the sample Gua Sha. Then the author tries to analyze, sum up the differences and roots of the Sino-American culture in the points of philosophy, ways of thinking and national traditions. At last, some suggestions about the culture orientation are given. Again, emphasis is made on the significance of culture learning between China and western countries at the end of the thesis. 


Keywords: Intercultural Communication; conflicts; merge; Gua Sha





Chapter 1 Introduction-1

Chapter 2 Basic Concepts of the Research-3

2.1 The Definition of Culture-3

2.2 The Definition of Cross-cultural Communication-3

2.3 Present Situation in China and Western Countries-3

2.4 A Brief Introduction of the Film Gua Sha-4

Chapter 3 Culture Conflicts between China and West in the Movie Gua Sha-5

3.1 Culture Gap-5

3.1.1 The Meaning of Culture Gap-5

3.1.2 Traditional Chinese Medicine-5

3.1.3 Western Medicine-5

3.1.4 Why not Scraping Be Proved as a Treatment in Western Medicine-6

3.2 Other Manifestations of Cultural Gap-6

3.2.1 The View of Face-6

3.2.2 The View of Education-7

3.2.3 The View of Friendship-8

Chapter 4 The Root of Cultural Differences-11

4.1 Philosophical Differences-11

4.2 Differences in Ways of Thinking-11

4.3 Differences of National Tradition-12

Chapter 5 Conclusion-13



上传会员 小萌男 对本文的描述:文章以电影《刮痧》为切入点分析了影片中反映的中西文化差异及其文化渊源。首先简单介绍影片的内容及主题并对跨文化交际在中西方的现状及发展过程进行简单阐述,然后从面子观......
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